As is tradition we met on a dark November evening to regale in the year that had gone and look forward to the one to come. There was plenty of mulled wine, and much excitement for Arkle Theatre’s productions coming in 2019!
Here are all the details in case you weren’t able to join us.
Spring 2019:-
The Effect of Gamma Rays On Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds by Paul Zindel
directed by Sian Fiddimore
20th to 23rd March at Hill Street Lodge
Auditions early December, rehearsals start mid January
Festival Fringe 2019:-
The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare
directed by David Grimes
Low Level Panic’by Claire McIntyre
directed by Jenny Tamplin
Both Fringe plays run from Monday 12th to Saturday 17th August at The Royal Scots Club
Rehearsals will start in June with auditions sometime around mid-April.
If you’d like to keep up to date with audition details and production news you can contact us to be put onto our mailing list, or follow us on Facebook.
All that’s left is to wish you all a wonderful festive season and we’ll see you in 2019.